Hepatitis, which is the cause of most of the liver related disorders, is of various types. They are spread through various vectors. Hepatitis A & E are spread through polluted water and food, while hepatitis B & C are not entered in the body orally. They are spread due to:
1) Using non sterilized needle.
2) Transfusion of blood.
3) From the infected mother to embryo.
In India, the main cause of hepatitis is the transfusion of infected blood to the patient. Hepatitis B & D occur together. They don’t spread through physical contact.
Susceptible to: This disease mostly occurs to those people who take medicines regularly. H.I.V, homosexual as well as gay are most susceptible to this disease. Patients suffering from thaelesemia and hemophilia are always in need of blood.
Symptoms: Initially, the patients suffering from hepatitis feel tired. They always feel of remaining in bed. Mild temperature, headache, cough, loss of appetite, etc. are some of the symptoms. Pain in the area below stomach and irritation are also recorded as symptoms. If the care is not taken then urine, eyes as well as skin turns yellow.
Treatment: Patients suffering from hepatitis B & C can get well if they are treated well. Some people infect others. That situation is worst. These patients are now susceptible to sirosis and cancer of liver. As soon as the symptoms are observed, doctor must be consulted. Self-medication can be dangerous to the patient.
In case of hepatitis B & C, the blood test should be done; this must be done after the screening. Needles used for contagious diseases must be disposed carefully. Contraceptives must be used by a couple if a husband or wife is affected. New born baby must be given vaccine in three phases: at birth, one month after birth, and six months after birth.
Care: liquor should not be consumed, any medicament should not be taken with liquor, medicaments must be taken when necessary, and one thing must be kept in mind that all herbal medicines are not beneficial to human body. Transfusion of blood should not be done. High fat food must not be taken.
Different from other viruses: – Initiation of these diseases occurs similarly as that of viruses. Mostly viruses die in some time, but hepatitis B & C don’t die. In some patients, symptoms are observed slowly, while many are not aware about it. It depends on immunity.
The symptoms, cause and cure of both Hepatitis B & C are similar. The vaccine for Hepatitis C is not available because of variation in nature. Which one will be more effective is not known. The immunity of the body is also affected. Therefore, restoring normal health from diseases takes time than normal. It becomes very dangerous for liver slowly.
Hepatitis B & C enter the body through blood and reach liver easily and start the process of recycling. Immunity decreases slowly, followed by inflammation.

Helen Bradley is a health blogger and the founder of her own blog about fitness. She has been blogging for three years now and loves to share what she learns with others. Helen enjoys reading, cooking, and staying active outdoors.