Tips for How to Lose 30 Pounds Fast

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Obesity can lead to multiple troubles if left uncontrolled. Weight losing is tougher than gaining it and can be disappointing if you don?t get your expected results after following a balanced diet schedule. People are more interested in finding tips about how to lose 30 pounds fast rather applying them. Following some simple and small tips you can get a good body within a month, some of them are as follows;


  • You must decide about how much weight you want to lose in a week and then go for it.
  • Go to the gym or for morning walk, do a bit running and pushups by starting from 5 minutes to 10 minutes and increase the time duration by adding 5 minutes in your jog on daily basis.
  • Choose a diet plan by experts or dietician. Follow it strictly. Approximately an intake of 1000-1200 calories for a woman and 1200-1600 calories for a man is suggested.
  • Drink 70 oz water regularly as it detoxify fats from your body. You can also add grapefruit juice and lemon juice in your drink as they contain elements which burn fats.
  • Daily measure the amount of your burnt calories. It is suggested that a person looking for the ways of how to lose 30 pounds fast must burn at least 1000 calories a day which can be done in 2-3 hours if he exercises regularly with intensity.
  • Don?t skip your favorite food from your diet. Take it once in a week but eat a little amount of it as your cravings can also lead to weight gain, making you starved and unhappy.
  • Eat food which contains fiber, calcium and protein like boiled eggs, boiled vegetables and boiled chicken.

About Neil

Neil is a health blog author and editor for a variety of publications. He has written on a wide range of topics, from fitness to nutrition to mental health. He loves working with people who are passionate about improving their lives through bettering their bodies and minds by eating right and staying active as well as those who want to improve their mental health by living life authentically without feeling ashamed or embarrassed about what they've been through.