Author Archives: Neil

About Neil

Neil is a health blog author and editor for a variety of publications. He has written on a wide range of topics, from fitness to nutrition to mental health. He loves working with people who are passionate about improving their lives through bettering their bodies and minds by eating right and staying active as well as those who want to improve their mental health by living life authentically without feeling ashamed or embarrassed about what they've been through.

Tested and Tried Tips for Fast Weight Loss

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Tested and Tried Tips for Fast Weight Loss

We all know majority of the world is struggling with obesity and weight problems. Achieving a desired body isn?t an easy thing; you need to bring about a few healthy changes in your lifestyles. But it?s not that simple as it sounds. You need to say good bye to junk… Read more »



Hair is a combination of keratin and protein and hair don?t have repairing characteristics. If you are going through hair damage you just need to trim your hair or cut the damaged portion of your hair. Hair needs to be maintained and cared to sustain shine, strength and length. Hair… Read more »

Top Tips on How to Lose Weight Fast

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Weight losing can be quick and speedy if you follow simple rules. Except eating selective food, drinking detoxified drinks and going to gym regularly you must control your eating habits to avoid putting on extra calories as losing of pound is not an easy job and can be more time… Read more »

Be Careful What You Say About Essential Oils

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You’ve probably never thought about distributing essential oils, but on the off chance that you have, be careful what claims you make about their health benefits. That’s a lesson that DoTERRA, a Utah-based essential oils company, has learned after coming under fire from the FDA due to recent exaggerated claims… Read more »

Last Debate on Cell Phone Harmful Radiation

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Cute child talking to a cell phone

The cell phone health warning debate is almost over. And the message is clear, do not hold your cell phone next to your body. Even cell phone manufacturers no longer hide this fact with warnings published in user manual. In the iPhone’s OS, you can read the same warning. (Settings,… Read more »

How to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Gums

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Oral hygiene is very important to maintain healthy teeth and gums. People usually neglect oral care and don?t practice flossing. Healthy teeth make your smile more beautiful and you can have beautiful teeth for a longer period of time. When teeth are not cared well, this negligence can result in… Read more »

Healthy and Quick Weight Loss Diets

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There are so many methods to reduce weight but they can lead you to hunger, starvation and unsatisfactoriness. You must select a diet plan which fulfills your crave, body needs and can help you in maintaining a sound health and good metabolism with quick reduction in weight. You can find… Read more »

Dry Hair Treatment

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Dry hair are result of unhealthy diet, use of cheap or bad hair products, exposure to water having more amount of chlorine and excessive use of hairstyling tools. Dry hair look bad and frizzy and it is very difficult to handle them. Dry hair treatment can be expensive and not… Read more »

All-Natural Ways to Stay Fit and Healthy

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All-Natural Ways to Stay Fit and Healthy

Want to make the most of your life? Having trouble staying fit? Don?t worry, you?ve come to the right place. If you want to live a healthy life, you need to bring about a few positive changes in your lifestyle. If you keep on consuming unhealthy foods and don?t exercise,… Read more »

Benefits of using Health Karatom

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The use of the health Karatom is beneficial in many ways. The Karatom leaf is used to prepare the medicine because of its extremely medicinal effects. It is the medicine of the Thai Culture for many years. For improving the stamina and energizing the body, it is used at the… Read more »