Get Ready For Football Season!

The football season is nearly here, and most people are waiting to see how their teams will perform. You can also have your training camp this summer and be healthier than you have ever been. There are many workouts that you can perform at home to get in shape just like the professionals. You can also take a protein supplement such as syntrax protein to get fuel for what lies ahead in your journey to health. Football requires speed, strength, endurance, agility, and explosiveness. To achieve all these qualities, a person requires a complete workout. Before you start your workout, it is essential to do a proper warm up that consists of stretching.? Working out with a partner at all times is also advisable. Some of the workouts you can perform to get ready for the football season include:

Upper body workout

This workout involves working the upper body. You can perform the flat bench press, rows, incline DB press, military press, and shrugs.

Lower body workout

The workouts involved include front squats, squats, deadlifts, calf raises, leg curls. It is advisable to alternate lunges with front squats and stiff-leg deadlifts with deadlifts at an interval of a few weeks.

Full Body/Explosiveness

The workouts involved in the full body/explosiveness include power cleans, snatches, abdominal muscle workouts and push presses.

Agility/ Acceleration/Speed Workout

Before you start performing the agility/acceleration/speed workouts, you should perform 5 minutes warm up, which could be in the form of dynamic stretching and jogging. It is advisable to rest properly between sets as you work on speed and acceleration.? Make sure that you rest until you can run the sprint again between ninety and one hundred percent of what you completed in the previous run.

You can take supplements soon after working out. The Syntrax protein powder company strives to create effective protein supplements by using ingredients of the highest quality. This firm produces Promina whey isolate, which is a highly refined whey protein. Promina is well known for its enduring consistency, purity and good taste.

At Nashua Nutrition, we offer many protein supplements. Grab N Go syntrax protein are also available here. Their protein is the same protein as the one found in drink powders, and you can consume them as a mouth-watering snack in powder form.

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