According to the most real evidence known, coffee; although it has been known and used as a wild plant for a while, it started being used based on production and as a plant based beverage in Abyssinia in the 3rd century and then spreaded in the Arabian Peninsula, which then spread to Europe and then to the whole world via Ottomans. Coffee beverage varies in use according to the region and culture, there are many types and species of the types. It can be served in many ways, and the storage conditions of coffee types and varieties are different.
Recently, coffee is being stored in resealable packages due to the ease of use and high need of preservation of freshness and aroma. Coffee packaging varies as well according to the region and culture; tin or aluminum, plastic box, vacuum & non-vacuum aluminum based packaging, tear-open single use packages and many other types.
Today, side gusset bag is the most commonly used coffee bags packaging in Turkey and neighbouring region. Side gusseted coffee packaging is manufactured as bags from aluminium films. This gives the consumer the choice of aesthetic. Particularly the reason why aluminium material is frequently chosen in coffee packaging in this region is the fact that it reduces the contact with external factors to zero with its side gusset structure with high barrier aluminium film and at the same time it is a completely healthy storage of the flavour and freshness that gives the coffee its taste. Turkish coffee, which is unique to Turkish people, is protected by aluminium-based flexible package, although it is not usually kept in a fully aluminium package, and because of its use habit, the side gussets are not used in these packages, but in almost all other types and varieties of coffee, a gusset or similar structure is preferred in terms of ease of use and maintenance.
You can choose from dozens of different options on behalf of the desired size, visual and design privileges of coffee packaging Moreover, unlike common use, you can reflect your own style to packaging thanks to technology. The most important factor of packages is the material used inside which keeps the product fresh and flavoured for the longest period possible and at the same time it should the user the highest possible comfort during use.

Helen Bradley is a health blogger and the founder of her own blog about fitness. She has been blogging for three years now and loves to share what she learns with others. Helen enjoys reading, cooking, and staying active outdoors.