Beneftis of Digital Xray Imaging

Digital radiography refers to the process of capturing a radiographic image using a sensor, and then presenting (or storing) that image on a computer. The technology has come a long way from traditional x-ray with film and view boxes! Digital x-rays provide chiropractors with clinically viable pictures that are immediately processed by digital sensors and transmitted to a computer monitor where they and their patients can view and discuss them together. Chiropractors can zoom, rotate and control image density, and the results are available on-screen within seconds for chiropractors to analyze and then review with patients.

Here are some benefits of Digital X-rays:

Quick Diagnosis

Digital x-rays do not need to rely upon arbitrary materials, nor do the images need to cure. The process only requires the x-rays to be captured. Everything else is done digitally. The results are instant, so the x-ray technician does not have to wait to retake your x-rays. This results in a faster diagnosis, presenting an opportunity for an accurate treatment plan to be developed while you spend less time sitting and waiting.

Uncovers Hidden Issues

Digital x-rays allow for a far greater degree of vision. Your chiropractor, Mr. Christian Farthing, can use this to zoom in, rotate images and take advantage of the higher resolution digital x-rays provide to more accurately diagnose any conditions. While this is important for treating major issues, it is even more important for preventing potential issues. This can mean the difference between simply reducing the swelling of a disc and treating a lifelong condition that could impair your mobility.

Improve Your Chiropractor Visits

When Mr. Christian Farthing will go over your digital x-rays with you, they can explain in detail how certain chiropractic techniques can relieve painful disorders affecting your joints, spinal vertebrae, muscles and soft tissues. By having your own copy of your digital x-rays, you’ll be able to clearly see vertebral alignment problems, bone spurs, indications of herniated discs, diseases affecting your spine and other problems commonly treated by chiropractors. Since digital x-rays offer the potential for a more accurate diagnosis, less time waiting, and less radiation emitted into your body, you should look for a chiropractor who provides digital x-rays. At?The Bodywell Group, we proudly offer digital x-rays. Our top priority is providing patients with the highest quality care.?Contact us today?for more information.

For more information about the advantages of digital X-ray technology or to schedule an appointment, contact Mr. Christian Farthing now.

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